10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
23 – 25 July 2025 Lisbon, Portugal
The conference is expected to provide an opportunity for the researchers to meet and discuss the latest solutions, scientific results and methods in solving intriguing problems in the fields of Big Data Analytics, Intelligent Agents and Computational Intelligence.
This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.
We are a member of Crossref, a non-profit membership organization for scholarly publishing working to make content easy to find, link, cite and assess. With this connection, each published paper in IADIS Conferences’ Proceedings will be allocated a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number for its fast and easy citation and indexation.

All the previous conference proceedings are available in the IADIS Digital Library
The conference proceedings will be submitted (pending approval) to the following indexing services (among others):

The best papers will be selected for publishing as extended versions in the IADIS Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN: 1646-3692) that willl be indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index by Thomson Reuters
Conference Official Language: English.
Conference Poster in PDF